On October 21, 2007, the OSARA Board of Directors held its annual meeting. The Board unanimously passes the following resolutions:
1. By motion and unanimous consent, the Board of Directors of the Omora Sub-Antarctic Research Alliance requests that Dr. Christopher Anderson develop a plan to incorporate a student worker-staff person based at the University of North Texas in the Chile Program Office created by Dr. Ricardo Rozzi. The plan will be evaluated at the next board meeting.
2. By motion and unanimous consent, the Board of Directors of the Omora Sub-Antarctic Research Alliance hereby requests that Mr. Andrew Holton develop an action plan for its Advisory Panel.
3. By motion and unanimous consent, the Board of Directors of the Omora Sub-Antarctic Research Alliance hereby approves as officers Dr. Christopher Anderson (President), Mr. Steven McGehee (Vice-President), Mr. Andrew Holton (Secretary), Mr. Carl Fisher (Treasurer) and Dr. Gene Hargrove (Director).
4. By motion and unanimous consent, the Board of Directors of the Omora Sub-Antarctic Research Alliance hereby sets for its next meeting date the 18th of November, 2007. Notification will be sent by Secretary Holton to directors.