With the support of OSARA, a major contingent of researchers and students participated in the 2nd World Conference on Biological Invasions and Ecosystem Functioning (BIOLIEF), held from 21 to 24 November, 2011 in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Students from Ushuaia, Argentina and Punta Arenas, Chile had research posters at the event, and senior researchers from both countries also gave oral presentations. OSARA’s International Coordinator Dr. Alejandro Valenzuela also led a part of this team in writing a manuscript entitled “Linking Invasive Species and Their Ecosystem Impacts: Tierra del Fuego as a Natural Laboratory to Test Theory and Determine Action,” which will be part of a special edition of the journal Acta Oecologica, edited by Dr. Jorge Gutierrez of the Grupo de Investigación y Educación en Temas Ambientales – GrIETA.