In July of 2018, specialists from Argentina, Brasil and Chile came to Ushuaia to conduct a 3 day workshop to develop a binational plan for the conservation of the huillín, or southern river otter. This effort has become possible thanks to the growing body of research and professional relationships being developed between Argentine and Chilean researchers and managers.
Since 2017, OSARA has supported efforts to better understand the huillín, particularly on Staten Island, where Friends of OSARA and Quixote Expeditions have provided crucial financial and logistical support to implement the first long-term studies on this remote island.
In 2019, a new Ph.D. student has also been integrated into the team. Alfredo Claverie will use camera traps and other methods to develop models of habitat use for the huillín and estimate relative abundance to ultimately generate recommendations for decision makers to better protect and conserve this endangered otter.
For more information, visit the Huillín Facebook page. Also, check out the IUCN Otter Specialists Group’s Global Otter Conservation Strategy.