UMAG Obtains Lease to Protect Róbalo Watershed

Robalo_Watershed.jpgSince 2000, the University of Magallanes (UMAG) has been soliciting a governmental lease for the headwaters of the Róbalo River to complete the Omora Park’s mission to protect the watershed that provides drinking water to Puerto Williams. In a 17:1 vote in favor, the regional council of Magallanes approved on Monday this request, noting the importance of this iniative for the town and also the region and country. The study and protection of the Róbalo Watershed is also being re-enforced by an agreement that is being negociated with the General Direction of Waters, part of the Ministry of Public Works, which administers water rights in Chile to ensure that this is one of the founding pilot “conservation watersheds” in the country, which also has the added value of being incoporated as one of the Long-Term Socio-Ecological Resaerch Sites (