The University of North Texas’ Center for Adult and Lifetime Learning (CALL) selected the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve as one of its first ‘Travel Learn’ trips. From 7-16 January, these intrepid travelers visited the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve aboard the Stella Australis, landing in major world heritage sites like Cape Horn Island and Wulaia Bay, where Darwin and Fitz Roy encountered the Yahgan tribe.
The Travel Learn team was joined by 10 researchers and colleagues of UNT and UMAG, including Dr. Claudio Wernli, executive director of the Millennium Scientific Initiative, which is a major funding source for the recently inaugurated Cape Horn Field Station.
Hosted by UNT Provost Dr. Warren Burggren, this trip provided participants a unique and close up look into the ecosystems and biota and also the important research being pioneered by the alliance of institutions led by the University of North Texas, the Universidad de Magallanes and the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity.