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OSARA Board of Directors







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Dr. Christopher Anderson, President & Treasurer
Professor, National University of Tierra del Fuego

Scientist, Austral Center for Scientific Research, Ushuaia, Argentina

Dr. Anderson obtained his Ph.D. in ecology from Institute of Ecology (now the Odum School of Ecology) at the University of Georgia in 2006. He has worked on various research and education projects in the United States, Chile and Argentina. Awards for his research include a U.S. Department of State Fulbright Scholarship, a U.S. Department of Defense Boren Fellowship, a National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Award and the University of Georgia Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring Award. He was previously the national coordinator of the nascent Chilean Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research Network and co-founder of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. He is currently a professor at the National University of Tierra del Fuego and a Scientist at the Austral Center for Scientific Research in Ushuaia, Argentina, as well as holding an adjunct appointment at the Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation Department at the Virginia Tech. University. See:



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Andrew H. Holton, J.D., Secretary
Deputy Chief of Staff & Legal Council, Office of the Treasurer, State of North Carolina

Mr. Holton is a cum laude graduate of the University of Wisconsin Law School, where he served on the Wisconsin Law Review.  He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. in History and received the Frank Porter Graham Award, the university’s highest award for undergraduate service achievement.  He previously has worked as a program officer for the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation and was the assistant director for research at the Southern Politics, Media and Public Life Program at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. He is also a founding member and director of the Emerging Tar Heel Leadership Network, which strives to integrate young people with policy-making in North Carolina by creating discussion venues and developing leadership skills.





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Dr. Michelle Moorman, Director
US Geological Survey, North Carolina

Since she was young, Michelle has had an appreciation of the great outdoors, especially the creeks and lakes where she spent her childhood.  This passion led her to major in Geography and Recreation Administration at UNC-Chapel Hill.  Subsequently, while working for the U.S. Geological Survey, her interests became focused in the arena of water science and stream ecology.  She recently received a M.S. in Marine Science at North Carolina State University, and her thesis studied the impact of invasive beavers and trout on native fish in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. She continued her studies in a Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University with a multi-disciplinary focus on evaluating science, the perceptions of science by the general public, and tools that can be used to engage youth in the scientific process and outdoors, using a case study in Valdivia, Chile.






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