During its board meeting held in November 2007, OSARA directors approved the following measures:
1) OSARA President Dr. Christopher Anderson will propose a study abroad course to be held in conjuntion with the University of North Texas, OSARA, the Universidad de Magallanes, the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity and CADIC (Ushuaia, Argentina), which will be carried out from May to June 2008. The international conservation course will focus on the integration of science and society using the case of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve as a model. The UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Program, as well as the relevance of “long-term socioecological study sites,” will be emphasized as vehicles to link research and decision-making.
2) Michelle Moorman, who has worked on various projects in the CHBR including her masters, was extended an invitation to become a director for a 3-year period. Michelle is currently a Ph.D. student at North Carolina State University and works as a hydrological technician at the U.S. Geological Survey.
3) As part of a series of measures to revitilze the functioning of OSARA, the board also decided to increase the size and formalilze the role of its advisory panel. The panel will now meet annually, and be charged with specific tasks under the direction of the president. In addition to current panel members Drs. Ricardo Rozzi, William Buck and John Silander, new panel members for 2008 include:
Dr. Andrés Mansilla
Director of Research and Graduate Programs, University of Magallanes
Coordinator of Marine-Terrestrial LTER, IEB-UMAG-Omora
Dr. Juan Armesto
Professor, Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity
Assistant Director, Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity
President, Senda Darwin Foundation
Dr. Jim Kennedy
Professor, University of North Texas
Director, Elm Fork Creek Natural History Museum
Dr. Amy D. Rosemond
Professor, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia
4) In addition, the board moved forward on various issues, including defining a communication and meeting strategy, exploring options to contract staff assistance, and defining new goals in membership and donations. Results from these decisions will be forthcoming.
5) The meeting schedule for 2008 is set for the third Sunday of January, April, July and October.